Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Berlin File

Jason Bourne as a North Korean spy... so to speak. I guess Bourne as super-spy, not Bourne as genetically modified, drugged up super warrior. Jong-seong is working in Berlin, brokering an arms deal with some Russians and Arabs. When the deal goes bad (Mossad shows up) he is on the run and trying to find out who blew the lid open. Now he and his wife are chased by both Mossad, the Arabs, and South Korean agents looking to close the illegal arms traffic to their peninsula. Part of the fun is the non-stop action, and part is the psychological "who is the mole?" investigation that happens simultaneously. Having seen a few of these Korean spy-action films recently, I can definitely see the influence they have had on US action films in the genre (see nearly any Statham film) where the protagonist is battered, beat up, and single minded in achieving the goal. Jong-seong is clearly single-minded here in spite of everything else. He manages to portray an honest weariness while running, searching and fighting.

3 stars (out of 5)

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