Monday, May 30, 2011

Midnight in Paris

I am not sure if this film made me feel smart or dumb. Owen Wilson plays a writer who is traveling to Paris with his fiance and her parents. Unable to spend any more time with them, he wanders the streets of Paris and is transported to the 1920's, his idea of the golden age. Artists, writers, musicians from the 20's all show up and a name dropping fest begins. I felt pretty good that I had heard of most of the "famous people", and only a couple times did I have to lean over to Annika to say "Who was that? What did they do?". On the other hand, I suppose had I actually known something about Man Ray or Matisse, I would have found the caricatures and conversations much more entertaining. The nice thing was, even though I knew I was not getting every joke, I still enjoyed this film. It was a fun and light-hearted romp through Paris. Nothing spectacular... just a good afternoon diversion.
4 stars (out of 5)

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