Saturday, August 8, 2009

Julie & Julia

This film is based on the story of Julie Powell, a 30 yr old woman working in New York for a 9/11 survivor help desk organization. Julie is not happy with her life or status, and is challenged by her husband to cook through Julia Childs cookbook in a year, and to blog about it. This is half of the movie, with the other half telling the story of Julia Childs developing her cookbook. With Amy Adams as Julie and Meryl Streep as Julia, we jump back an forth between the two stories, each woman struggling with her life but never failing to love food. While the Julia story is the much more engaging of the two, the Julie story holds its own and I found myself enjoying the back and forth that is offered. I laughed and enjoyed. What more can you ask for?
4-stars (out of 5)

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