Tuesday, May 2, 2023

The Glory (serial)

Wow. A Korean psychological thriller that really gets into it. The story follows 30 something Dong-eun as she initiates a revenge plan. In flashback we see in detail the years of bullying and abuse that she receives as a high school student at the hand of 5 friends. We see human depravity, entitlement of wealth and class. But this is not a Taken style one-dimensional revenge thriller. We see Dong-eun and her commitment to her plan. This commitment is complex, to the point that she recognizes human and potential friendship in a colleague, only to turn it away in order to maintain her focus. Somehow, as much as she craves relationship, she knows that letting herself feel human will cause her to lose her ability to enact her revenge. And we see her decades of pain slowly surfacing and be held by those who care for her, allowing her to be more whole. Add to this character is the plot, with twists and developments that keep you guessing. Maybe not "I didn't see that coming", but "Did she see that coming? Is she really that far ahead? Or is she just adaptable and reacting really well to a changing situation?" It's really good.
5 stars (out of 5)

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