Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Rogue Warfare

I watched this because I saw somewhere that the sequel Rogue Warfare: The Hunt was moving up some popularity chart somewhere and thought I should watch 1 before 2. Well let me say that there is so much wrong with this movie. It is not even B-movie quality. The storyline is that a special operations team is created with membership from the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council (but 3 members from the US so there can be some early expendables without ruining the premise). This team is tasked with tracking down the "Black Mask" organization in the mid-east. The movie is full of pontificating and long speeches, factual errors, and just awful staging and action decisions. Skip this. Skip it with more enthusiasm than you have skipped anything in the past six month. And don't think that it is a so-bad-it-will-be-a-cult-classic. No.

1 star (out of 5)

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