Sunday, August 23, 2020

Break Free: 2 People, 2 Years, 1 Goal

 This documentary is really an extended vlog of a german couple who, starting in Morocco, plan to travel down the west coast of Africa to South Africa. The woman has some prior connection to western Africa that is never really clarified, and her boyfriend is along for the ride. This is particularly interesting as the travel through these countries are not the typical "tourist Africa" destinations. The couple is really interested in immersion into culture and meeting and learning about people, not just putting on miles. So as they travel, they spend 6 weeks or 8 weeks "pausing" in different locations as the situation warrants. They communicate a lot of the difficulty of approaching a trip like this with a western mentality, exposing it for the limitations it brings. It is an different insight into cultures and people than I have seen before. Well done.

4 stars (out of 5)

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