Saturday, July 11, 2020

The Mandalorian (serial)

An 8 episode series in the Star Wars universe following a foundling Mandalorian as he moves through the bounty hunting guild to earn money and prestige. What strikes me as superb with this series are two things: the soundtrack, a la Sergio Leone, sets the tone and expectations for the series and that this is perhaps most similar in character to the original Star Wars trilogy as anything since the original trilogy. Great story telling, and characters and intrigue. And while this is titled The Mandalorian it is really the story of The Child ("Baby Yoda"). What strikes me as average is, with this set 5 years after Return of the Jedi, and the fallen Empire being a key plot thread, there seems to be a distinct lack of knowledge of the Jedi, the Force, and Yoda. This is either a key failure of the writing, or perhaps an indication of how disconnected "regular people" are from the movers and shakers of galactic war. On the other hand, a decorated Rebel warrior would at least know of the lore that led the army she served in. So my guess is that is is an attempt to show the grand scale, but is in fact a failure in writing. What I find disappointing is that it is over.
5 stars (out of 5)

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