Tuesday, April 7, 2020


I found this on a list of under-rated SciFi films to watch. I would say it was probably appropriately rated. In a proxy war zone in eastern Europe, US special forces encounter an enemy they can't see. They bring in DARPA tech wizard to help understand this new enemy, and find a way to defeat it. Spoiler Alert: He does. The science here is definitely fiction, and not the tweak-one-thing-and-see-where-it-takes-you variety. Instead, it is the throw lots of science-y words around so you can have a semblance of a plot. Maybe because of the MacGyver'd plasma projectors, this really is closer to Ghost Busters meets Platoon than anything else. Shouldn't be on anyone's top-10 list, but a good mid-level diversion.
3 stars (out of 5)

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