Saturday, April 11, 2020

Code 8

We are introduced to a world where some people are Powered. They can be extra strong or read minds or control electricity or melt things or ... you get the picture. In what is possibly the most effective opening credit scene ever, a complete story is told of how Powereds were discovered and beloved, how they built buildings and stopped wars, how people became afraid and finally they became ostracized and regulated. This story is a 3 minute montage and sets the stage for the movie without the extra 30 minutes of poorly edited backstory. Nice job. The protagonist is a Powered with a sick mom who just needs some money to pay for her care. He gets in with the wrong crowd to achieve said goal and has to reevaluate his own integrity as a person. Overall, the movie reminds me of Bright, panned by critics, but actually pretty entertaining.
3 stars (out of 5)

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