Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Planet of the Apes

Mark Wahlberg was great in The Departed and good in The Fighter. He was awful in The Happening and is pretty bad here. I think he is just not good enough, or given good enough material, to carry a film. Here he had Helena Bonham Carter to help out, but in her ape suit, she was not given anything to work with. Every time I looked at her, I thought Bernstein Bears. Wahlberg was too wooden and is not really a dynamic person nor does he play a dynamic character. Acting aside, I know that this was a remake of the original Charlton Hesston film, but it was not exciting, dramatic, suspenseful, {insert own adjective here}. My main reason for watching was to see how it fit in with the newest Rise of the Planet of the Apes, and I am not sure that I see an easy connection there. So while the current film is good, this one is bad. Maybe I need to see the original to round out the trilogy.
2 stars (out of 5)

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