Sunday, August 14, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

A very well done prequel even though I haven't seen the original (and yes, it goes on my list now). I say this because there were a couple elements that seemed pretty clearly written in to develop characters that needed to show up in future films. These kinds of story elements always seem a bit awkward or forced, but didn't "interfere" with the overall flow of the film. Instead, they probably just added 10 minutes or so that didn't need to be there. The story is in someways a retelling of the development of HIV transmission from apes to humans, except in this case the virus is human created. But it is still toxic to humans and happens to provide exceptional intelligence to the apes. Probably the best part of the entire film is the fact that no real animals were used in the filming. Instead, the apes were actors who had CGI ape bodies put on them after the fact, making the entire thing much more enjoyable.
3 stars (out of 5)

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