Sunday, December 22, 2013


Judi Dench plays Philomena, an Irish woman who gave up her son for adoption 50 years ago, and is now looking to find out where/who he is. She enlists the help of disgraced, former BBC journalist (Steve Coogan) to help out, which he does only because the alternative is to write a Russian history book. These two develop a quirky relationship as the investigation progresses, each with their own demons and drivers pushing them forward and holding them back. The story is a meandering journey through scandal and controversy, looking into the practices of the local Irish convent that took Philomena in 50 years ago all the way to the socio-political quagmire of U.S. politics in the 80's. Dench and Coogan play well together, never quite comfortable and never quite antagonistic. Fascinating story and well played. 
4 stars (out of 5)

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