Saturday, July 14, 2012

Deja Vu

I like a good sci-fi time travel film and I like Denzel Washington. With those two requirements, how did I miss this in 2006? Washington plays an ATF agent whose entire life is given to the job. He is a great investigator with the intuition needed to solve tricky cases. When a ferry carrying Navy seamen blows up in New Orleans, he is on the scene as the explosives expert. The FBI invites him into a special investigative group that has surveillance software that can process and give full 3D imagery of any scene delayed by about 4 days... kind of. Of course there is a girl who is involved in the case and there are the requisite clues that are dropped along the way to help Washington (and the viewer) unravel the reality of what is going on. And the nice thing is that not all of these clues are obvious. As a viewer, you see a few options where these could take the film, but can't commit right away to a direction. Not quite as clever as my all-time favorite 12 Monkeys, but more along the lines of Source Code. Glad I saw it.
4 stars (out of 5)

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