Sunday, June 24, 2012

Largo Winch: The Heir Apparent

A billionaire dies and leaves his entire fortune and control of his empire to his adopted son. The son, while well trained in the art of being rich, is not necessarily ready for the job. In addition, he has his own interests in life and is not quite ready to be put in charge. Somehow, his training includes the ability to be Bourne-like in his approach to trouble, and this talent is integrated seamlessly into the film - treated as if of course this man has the ability to evade South American police on foot while crawling over buildings. And as a viewer, if you buy into this basic conceit, you will enjoy the film. Because then you can also enjoy the unfolding conspiricies and intricacies that shape both the future of Largo and are revealed in his history.  Light hearted action hero fun with a few twists in the road that are not so sharp as to not be able to enjoy the anticipation of their approach.
3-stars (out of 5)

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