Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I love a good heist film, and this one is pretty good. The story revolves around a group of partners that commit high end thefts (banks, armored cars, etc.) on a grand scale, but only infrequently. When one of their former associates is released from prison and returns to the group with a hot tip on a new job, everyone has to decide whom to trust. In parallel, Matt Dillon plays the grisled cop with a screwed up personal life and only the job to give him meaning. Like a dog with a bone, Dillon is relentless in his pursuit. So while the story is one of heist and detective work, the real value in this film is the development of the personalities and relationships of the players. Each individual has a little bit of background that plays into decision making and affects the trajectory of the entire group. Two things could have made this film great, instead of just good. Pushing the depth of each character and actually allowing the viewer to have someone to root for. I don't mind not always being able to root for the good guy since some time the bad guys are more sympathetic. But there must be someone who can come out a winner in the end that can give a real sense of satisfaction. That piece was missing.
4 stars (out of 5)

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