Friday, June 24, 2011

The Green Lantern

Ryan Reynolds plays Hal Jordan, the fearless but conflicted test pilot who is apparently the most pure human on earth since the ring selected him. This purity is based on an understanding of humanity that we are not perfect and that our strength comes from understanding, accepting and then overcoming our frailty. If that is not classic comic book, super hero schtick, then I don't know what is. Add in the campy, 1960's, cold war infused, source of all power is "will" and all evil is "fear", and this film really hits its mark. Reynolds, who came into his own as a superhero in X Men Origins: Wolverine plays the cocky yet honest Jordan perfectly. Not a lot of depth, and not a lot required. And true to its comic book roots, it left me looking forward to the next installment.
4 stars (out of 5)

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