Saturday, June 4, 2011

Battle of Los Angeles

If ever there was a SciFi B-movie, this was it. I felt like I was watching Saturday afternoon TV in July when the only things on are golf, BMX bike racing and an old alien invasion film. What is surprising is that Battle of Los Angeles was made this year, probably to gain advantage from the theatrical release Battle: Los Angeles. There is not a single thing (acting, writing, special effects, plot line, etc.) that does not say "direct to video". The plot is actually irrelevant enough for you to not really know what is going on for the first 20 minutes or so. I was very close to walking out of this several times, and only the fact that I could be in the kitchen making lunch at the same time while it ran in the background preventing me from bailing out. So, since I did see it through to the end, and since it is an excellent example of B-film making, it gets
2 stars (out of 5)

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