Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Thick as Thieves (aka The Code)

I like a good heist movie and this one wasn't half bad. I wonder why I hadn't heard of it before. Released early this year, Morgan Freeman and Antonio Banderas play a couple of jewel thieves who team up to pull off the job of a lifetime. Of course, there is duress, there is a love interest, there are hidden motives, there are twists and there are cool gadgets. It wouldn't be a heist movie without all of this. A competent, yet not entirely imaginative, entry in the genre. As an aside, after the movie, I began to think about how similar Morgan Freeman's roles all seem to be. The three films I immediately thought of were this one, Wanted, and 10 Items or Less. In each of these at least, Freeman has a father figure role, and plays the role with an unveiled arrogance. He, of course, is the center of the universe and controls the plot. I wonder if these are just three roles, or is Freeman showing through. I guess I will watch his films a bit different in the future to see how it turns out.
3 stars (out of 5)

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