Saturday, December 2, 2023

My Daemon

A really fun anime series, 13 episodes of <30 min each. Set in Japan in a world after nuclear events where the use of nuclear bombs has created daemonium particles that eventually hatch into daemons. This sets up the inevitable human/daemon conflict. Enter Kentu, a young boy who has befriended a daemon Anna and seems to have a connection with her that befuddles other humans. When Kentu's mom is killed, he and Anna set off in search of a rumored time reversal daemon who can bring her back. The series tells the story of Kentu and Anna and the people and daemons that they meet along the way. It is creative and fun and ultimately helps us explore compassion, attitudes towards difference and how effective personal relationship is in allowing people to organically change their long held beliefs. 

5 stars (out of 5)

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