Sunday, April 2, 2023

John Wick: Chapter 4

Following Chapter 3, Wick is now a pariah, seeking his freedom from The Table, and revenge for ... actually I forget what... but revenge. The Table has given carte blanche to the Marquis to hunt down and kill Wick. To accomplish this, the Marquis destroys anything and anyone who has sympathy for Wick. In the end, it comes down to a personal matchup between Wick and the Marquis.

There is nothing subtle about this movie. It is pure choreographed action that follows in its predecessors footsteps as being fantastical. So much so that the fight scenes are no longer fights. I mean, kevlar suits that block bullets without being torn or even flutter when a bullet hits, only letting off a few sparks? It's just silly, allowing the actors to fire their blanks at will and only occasionally lifting a kevlar cuff to "ward off" a barrage of gunfire. And the number of body-car collisions that result in only minor limping??? What was perhaps most noticeable throughout was Reeves age as Wick. He no longer runs like a svelte martial artist, but lumbers around, knees not working like they used to, the James Garner/Jim Rockford of our time.

2 stars (out of 5) 

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