Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (serial)

Really the only thing these series are prompting in me is the need to go back and find where they fit in the overall storyline. Which is strange since they are more time than the original movies and have the ability to show more depth of characters. Shouldn't the movies fit into this storyline? Maybe they will when they start releasing movies again. Bucky is struggling with his past as a psychologically brainwashed super soldier and Sam is struggling with his decision to not be the new Captain America. They purport to be reluctant superheroes, but when new super-soldiers show up, they jump in immediately with the attitude that "only we can take care of this". Overall, an engaging storyline that fits in well in the universe and keeps us looking forward. Nothing new or novel, but solid.

3 stars (out of 5)

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