Thursday, November 26, 2020

The Adventurers

A wizard of the high end heist has just been released from jail and is immediately planning his next job. Mostly he is working to steal all three pieces of GAIA, a series of jewels that when put together form a priceless neckless set. In parallel, he is working to find out who double-crossed him and sent him to jail in the first place. And finally, he is pursued by a french detective who has been on his tail for years. In my viewing, this is a near perfect heist film. We see the planning and the execution of several jobs. We have the team chemistry factor that adds an element of unknown and humor into the story. We have the police, who are competent, but always just "not quite". And then the overriding plot that requires a few twists. Well done.

4 stars (out of 5) 

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