Thursday, November 22, 2018


I really had high hopes for this film: heist film, great previews and critic response, women taking care of business. The plot follows the wives of four men who were killed in a $2 million heist, all the money burning up in the process. Somehow the aggrieved party finds out who did the heist and comes to the wives to recoup their loss. So of course, the wives take up the family business to sort everything out. This is all good except in execution, the entire first half of the film is background and the relevant Chicago politics that are supposed to give depth to the characters motivation. For me it was just too slow, not getting into the fun aspects of heisting fast enough. Yes, you want motivation and character, but here it felt like we dipped unnecessarily into angst. This is the type of movie that I am supposed to like with its weighty characters and clever action... alas...
3 stars (out of 5)

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