Sunday, April 29, 2018

Bosch (Serial)

Season 4

Titus Welliver continues to strike exactly the right tone as Harry Bosch, gritty LA detective who closes cases. This season a high profile attorney is murdered right before going to trial in a case of police brutality. The city is on the edge of violence and Bosch is asked to lead the task force to solve the case. They find their guy, then don't, then do... Bosch just needs to make sure it is right. Interwoven with this primary story is the ongoing personal story of each officer (Bosch-Daughter-Ex, J.Edger-Ex, Bosch-Mother, Billet's-career, etc.). Really well done modern noir, and probably the best title sequence around right now. If you haven't watched these, you should.

5 stars (out of 5)

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