Friday, October 7, 2011

The Ides of March

I am not literate enough to recognize that this was a Julius Caesar reference which would have foreshadowed the entire story until after I saw the film. Even so, I feel like I knew the story as it developed. No surprises. Is that a commentary on the current political scene, or the current film? Clooney plays a presidential candidate running in his primary. We get the behind the scenes look with Gosling and Hoffman as friendly and then not-so-friendly members of his campaign leadership. Of course there is scandal and intrigue. Casting is excellent and this film is worth watching just to see Clooney, Hoffman, Gosling and the always good Giamatti do their snarling and flirting in a political war. But in the end I was largly unsatisfied, feeling flat and uninspired on the way out the door.
3 stars (out of 5)

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