Saturday, December 28, 2019

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

The final installment of the original 9 movie storyline. I would say that this movie is quite good for fans. Not fanatics, and not for newbies. If this is your first Star Wars movie, you will be lost and have no context for 90% of the storyline. If you are a fanatic, you will be disappointed with too many important connections left out, or too many unnecessary nods to the past. But for the moderate fan, it is pretty good. Rey finishes her Jedi training and has a special connection with Kylo Ren. There are lots of personal connections revealed and personal demons needing to be excised. The battle gets taken directly to the Sith homeworld and while in the end, lots is resolved, lots is still left open for future storytelling. Well done.
4 stars (out of 5)

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