Sunday, December 29, 2019

Little Women

I remember almost nothing from the 1994 version (other than I like it) so this was basically a fresh story of civil war family of 4 sisters who go about their lives as their father is away at war most of the time. They are poor, but know rich people. The sisters are all artists (writer, painter, musician, actress) and this story is told from the perspective of the eldest (the writer), but not in linear time. We bounce back and forth between the present and flashback, with each editing transition well done enough to make you think about where you are and what information you need to acquire from this particular flashback to complete the story. It is hailed as feminist before its time (strong, independent women) and because of that, it necessarily feels a bit preachy in that area. But good sermons have good jokes, as does this, so I was carried along and entertained throughout.
3 stars (out of 5)

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