Monday, June 27, 2016

Last (Serial)

This is the first non-movie review here on Cinebux. With the explosion of serial television of late, and the fact that some of these series are really good, I will start recording here when I have watched a series. My guess is that I will record seasons, or series in totality, since the beauty of series is that the story arc can develop over time.

Last is a 16 episode (1 hour each) series from South Korea. The setup involved Jang Tae Ho, a stock trader who has found success with his stock manipulation schemes. He gets a contract to run a scheme that doesn't go so well and he ends up owing millions to loan sharks, who take his life as collateral. A narrow escape and getting lost in the homeless world of Seoul Station sets the scene. The remaining 15 episodes build a world where Tae Ho is striving to regain his status and enact revenge. Along the way, he learns about life. What I really like about this series is that every character has depth and motivation. Yes, sometimes it is cheesy soap-opery depth, but it is backstory that gets revealed in increments over the episodes. And this slow reveal allows alliances and allegiances to shift or strengthen, changing the playing field as we go. Overall, an excellent mafia/crime thriller with some love story and family angst thrown in for good drama.
4 stars (out of 5)

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