Monday, June 27, 2016

Central Intelligence

Kevin Hart and Dwane Johnson together in a buddy cop film. Has serious potential, right? The premise is that Hart was the perfect popular kid in high school, Johnson the caricature of loner/geek. Flash to 20 years forward, Hart is an accountant and Johnson shows up in his life as, well, The Rock. Turns out that Johnson is a CIA agent who needs Harts forensic accounting skills to crack a case. Not sure who is good, who is bad, etc. Hart is OK here. Doesn't have a lot to work with other than to continually not want to be part of this partnership, only to continually succeed. Johnson, on the other hand, does a creepily good job at playing the role of the high school loner/geek 20 years later. His mannerisms continually reveal that personality hasn't really changed, even though the body has. The fact is, this is put together as a slapstick comedy. I think it would have been a better movie as an action comedy (yes, there is action, but it is secondary). Maybe a rental.
2 stars (out of 5)

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