Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I liked RED a couple years ago and like the sequel too. The premise of Retired Extremely Dangerous former secret agents who get pulled back into action is fun, and the tone of the films walks a well balanced line between spoof, slapstick, wacky and serious action, spy-thriller. Putting together Willis, Mirren, Malkovich, Parker and Hopkins creates a group with just enough acting ability to pull off this balance. Not Oscar worthy, by any means. Great weekend rental. The story (if it matters to you) finds Willis and Malkovich (along with Parker) pulled into avoiding death by chasing down a secret nuclear weapon that was smuggled into Russia during the cold war. Mirren is the MI-6 contact and Hopkins the crazy mastermind of mass destruction with a chip on his shoulder. What could be better?

3 stars (out of 5)

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