Sunday, February 2, 2014

At Middleton

This is exactly what you expect. The premise: a couple of parents take their respective kids to Middleton college for the college tour, the expectations of each parent is inconsistent with those of their child, and all expectations are unrealistic, the parents spend the day "lost" from the tour and find an amazing connection, everyone learns something about themselves. The film is fun, lighthearted, occasionally serious (but not too) and outrageous (in the sense of non-realistic) in the scenarios used to achieve the romance and comedy necessary.  In the end, we are happy and thoughtful (but not too). Somewhere, someone had the idea to use a back to school tour as a romantic comedy and fed these inputs into THE FORMULA. And of course, the reason the formula exists is because on some level it works.
3 stars (out of 5)

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