Thursday, August 26, 2010

Body of Lies

Political intrigue in the middle east followed by the inevitable blowback. Leonardo DiCaprio plays a rising field agent/star in the CIA. He has a bit of a different approach than his superiors in that he believes those who live in the country he is stationed have some knowledge about that country. He is battling the arrogance of empire and is simultaneously sucked in to it. As with most of these political thrillers, there are operations within operations within operations. So it is true to form that you never really know who lies to whom. The one fallacy that continually popped up, and I am sure the average viewer just buys, is that "Nobody is innocent". This becomes the mantra for the powerful as a psychological self defense system when the actual innocent die. I think that this mantra also seeps surreptitiously into our American consciousness when we try to justify our global role. How does one expose the fallacy? How hard it is to change a culture, knowing how hard it is to change even my own individual reactionary thought patterns.
3 stars (out of 5)

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