Sunday, April 5, 2009

Tell No One

This is a great thriller/suspense film. Sort of like a French version of The Fugitive but actually much better. Less chase, more sorting out the details. Alexandre and Margot are the happiest couple in the world. One evening, after a romantic lakeside experience, Margot is accosted and "killed". Flash forward to 8 years later. Alexandre is still trying to get over her death and move on when he begins to get messages from Margot, or someone impersonating her. At the same time, new details about her death begin to emerge which point to Alexandre as the killer. The remainder of the film is the unwinding of the details, searching for truth, learning who to trust, and holding on to that sick knot in your gut that says there-may-be-hope-but-I-better-not-be-living-this-all-over-again-for-nothing. Well acted and well directed. I have heard that there is interest in an American remake of this film, and I see the appeal. Unfortunately, I don't think an American take would work out so well as it would require more chase, and not have the patience to let things unfold. See this version instead.

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