Saturday, April 4, 2009

Bart Got a Room

I am always nervous when the previews for a film are seemingly aimed at a target audience that is not me. Generally, my broad tolerance for cinema shows at least one film I am interested in. Not so here. But fortunately, Bart Got a Room far exceeded the billing. Another in a line of recent awkward adolescent drama/romantic comedy offerings, this film builds on the likes of Napolean Dynamite and Superbad. In Bart, the awkward high school boy needs to "keep up with the Joneses" and in that effort enlists the separated parents as he (and they) proceed to focus on all the wrong things. While the story is cute, it is unremarkable. Two things make this film worth seeing: First, William H. Macy as the helpful, clueless, ever supportive dad is excellent. Second, the imagery of south Florida sets a great stage. The colors, the backgrounds, the extras, the settings all make this a fun (if quirky) little comedy to see.

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