Friday, July 31, 2020


A biopic of Marie Curie and her path to achieving respect as a scientist. This is basically a straight forward historical telling of Curie's path from meeting Pierre and agreeing to collaborate in the lab to her work in developing mobile x-ray machines for WWI soldiers. The common theme throughout was the lack of acceptance in the local scientific community of her expertise and brilliance. Every single idea, and subsequent request for resources, was an uphill battle. She was never able to leverage her status as a preeminent scientist to take the next step without fighting for it. The culmination of this mentality was her basically needing to pawn her two Nobel gold medals to pursue the mobile x-ray project. Since it was a pretty well worn story, the filmmaker interspersed "flash-forwards" that were pseudo-documentary segments of future applications of Curie's research. Overall, I found myself kinda bored, with the flash-forward concept not enough to keep me engaged.
2 stars (out of 5)

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