Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Ford vs Ferrari

The story of Ford's entry into the Lemans racing program. After getting played by Ferrari in a purchase/merger attempt, CEO Henry Ford II let's his ego drive him to spend whatever money is needed to enter and win. But his business/bureaucrat self doesn't allow the car guys to do their car guy thing. Matt Damon plays Shelby, the only American to have won the Lemans as a driver who is now in the business of building cars and a race program. Christian Bale plays Miles, an eccentric driver who, when on his game, is the best around. The two put together a team, have it yanked away, given back, yanked away, etc. The beauty of this story is the dramatic tension in the striving for a goal. Ferrari is actually not a main character, but is ever present as the external motivation for the entire plot. This is really good story telling.
5 stars (out of 5)

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