Friday, June 21, 2019


With a star studded cast (Noomi Rapace, Orlando Bloom, Toni Collette, Michael Douglas, John Malkovich) we are introduced to Noomi Rapace as a CIA agent in Europe. She was an interrogator who has a bit too slow to stop a bombing six years ago and never really stopped blaming herself. But now she is forced back onto service to extract a plot of an active biological weapon attack from a suspect. She puts her personal hesitation aside and steps up to get the job done. Mid interrogation, she realizes something is wrong. Begin a series of events where we are looking for a CIA mole, learning who to trust, and working to do the right thing. Pretty good spy play here and maybe the best thing is the anti-stereotypical portrayal of who is a terrorist and who is the good guy protecting freedom and life. I liked this.
4 stars (out of 5)

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