Saturday, May 11, 2019

Avengers: Endgame

Endgame reminded me of the series finale of Seinfeld. An overly long homage. Don't get me wrong, as an homage, this is an outstanding presentation. We are taken down memory lane, reminded of why over the past decade we have grown to like these characters as they make us laugh and at times cringe. We are reminded of those who sacrificed and of those we thought lost. This pushes us down an emotional road intended to think better of humanity, to think that we could all strive for the greater good. It is a film of hope. But take out the homage, the necessary wrap-up of a myriad of storylines, and the skeleton beneath is weak. Perhaps the former is enough, but I wanted more. I wanted that feeling and memory AND great story. Maybe that's just not possible. But is it wrong for me to hope?
3 stars (out of 5)

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