Saturday, April 13, 2019


The seven deadly sins are about to break free from their imprisonment and the wizard Shazam is growing weak. He needs a champion to take over his job of protecting people from these demons. But his champion must be pure of heart so he is not tempted by the sins. He gets this kid Billy to do it, basically out of desperation. Billy doesn't really know what is going on, but he likes the attention of being a superhero and his foster brother is geeking out on being superhero adjacent. Clearly not a dark, DC style superhero origin story, but fun and lighthearted. Most of the joy in this film comes in the form of the watching the kids as they explore this crazy thing that has happened to them. And when the seven sins do come and some serious superhero-ing is needed, it is also light and full of 'first-time' awe. Nice job.
4 stars (out of 5)

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