Friday, December 21, 2018


An origin story for Aquaman, and some history of Atlantis and the sea people and the rift between sea and surface dwellers. Jason Momoa plays the title character and is the mixed race (surface/sea) immortal heir to the throne of Atlantis. And of course, a reluctant leader. But when his half brother begins a military buildup, desperation sets it. It is quite interesting to have a hero who is primarily interested in avoiding war, an entire plot based on the surface dwellers pollution of the sea, and all of that effectively getting lost in the action. It was formulaic in many ways, with the sole purpose of the Mantis character to set up future films. And the curiosity of plasma weapons that work under water? That clearly needs a backstory of its own. Overall, pretty good, mindless fun.
3 stars (out of 5)

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