Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Pete's Dragon

Pete is lost in the woods as a 5 year old after his parents are killed in a car crash. He is adopted by Elliot, the only fuzzy, non-scaled dragon in all of fantasy-dom. But coating aside, Elliot is a great monster of the Northwest (a la Sasquatch) who is alone, and lost, and can turn invisible when he needs to. Elliot and Pete live happily for 5 years or so until the loggers encroach on their area, Pete is discovered (and captured), then Elliot is discovered (and captured), then Pete saves Elliot. A good Disney story that has the little bit cheesy villian, the overly helpful adults, the new best friends and cute kids who are smarter than the adults. All good fun.
3 stars (out of 5)

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