Saturday, March 4, 2017


This film has been getting rave reviews. Partially because this is R-rated, it is targeted toward adults and, like Deadpool, that has its pro's and con's. In effect, this is the dramatic counterpart to Deadpool's comedy. The story is set a decade ahead with Logan taking care of a physically failing Professor X. This physical failing is coupled with mental failing, so he has "psychic seizures" that are potentially deadly for anyone nearby. Enter into the picture a young girl seeking transport north. She is being hunted, and only Logan can help her. So... road trip.

The film earned its rating via gory body count and language. But the dramatic themes were lost on me. I saw the thinking about legacy, the struggle with responsibility aging parents, care for the next generation. But this, to me, came across as standard issue drama. The fact that it was in a superhero world might be different, but not different enough to say this was a high quality drama. It was an average drama. And a pretty good superhero flick.

4 stars (out of 5)

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