Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Wire (Serial)

Season 1

Set in the Baltimore police department homicide division in the mid 2000's and told from the perspective of both the police and the drug dealers. The police find that a major part of the drug trade on the West side is controlled by a guy that they have never really heard of. They set up a task force to break this ring up when a witness is killed in a drug trial. This is a gritty drama with not a lot of flash. the police are setting up wire taps on public pay phones and pagers while sitting on rooftops with cameras trying to make connections between who is calling whom at what time and with what information. The task force is really a bunch of misfits who are detailed just so that the police commander can tell a pesky judge that they are paying attention to his pet issue. But in the end the task force comes through.
5 stars (out of 5)

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