Thursday, April 2, 2015

Mr and Mrs Smith

The first pairing of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie shows off the chemistry between these two mega-stars. At the time of filming, they were both playing the beautiful people roles and this script allowed them to be beautiful, and action star bad-asses. As a married couple, they both pretend that life is normal and boring. But unbeknownst to each other, they are each top contract assassins on the side. Some how they are each contracted to kill each other and most of the film is them trying to figure out who paid the contract while trying to fulfill it. Of course, in the end there is a riding off into the sunset, but the body count is high on the way. These two are so matter of fact about their jobs throughout that the normalization of violence is extreme. It is video game like and slightly disturbing. So while I would rate it high for chemistry and comedy and action, I have to recognize the reality of trivializing killing in a way that doesn't often strike me as so brazen.
3 stars (out of 5)

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