Friday, September 12, 2014

Thor: The Dark World

Thor is my least favorite of the Avenger comic hero clan. However, he still rates above film versions of Spiderman (which is strange to me since I loved the Spiderman comics as a kid). But I figured it would be an adequate late night intro to the weekend. In this version, the nine realms are again aligned (after thousands of years) which weakens the boundaries between them. Because of this weakness, Natalie Portman is ported to a remote planet, absorbs some "evil", and ports back. The Dark Elves, who were defeated by Odin during the last alignment and were relieved of their "evil" are still mad and plan on getting it back. Thor has to defeat the Dark Elves again while protecting the nine realms and his girlfriend. Nothing here (acting, strength of story, special effects, etc.) to make me change my original assessment. Thor is my least favorite of the Avenger comic hero clan.
2 stars (out of 5)

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