Friday, April 25, 2014

Safe House

Ryan Reynolds plays a career stunted CIA agent currently in his 12th month babysitting an underused safehouse in Cape Town. Denzel Washington is the long hunted ex-CIA/current traitor who walks in off the street to "turn himself in". He is taken to the safehouse, the safehouse is attacked, Reynolds takes Washington and while the two are on the run, it is never sure who is in charge. Not a novel action/spy thriller by any means and where Washington is too cool as the grizzled veteran, Reynolds is to conflicted as the rookie good-cop. The only real utilization of the setting in Cape Town is a rooftop escape in a local township. And perhaps that you can apparently shoot and kill at will without interference from law enforcement. But that is a suspension of disbelief necessary for most action thrillers these day. It wasn't bad. It just wasn't good.
3 stars (out of 5)

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