Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Charlie is going to High School as a social misfit. He has never had any friends and hopes that high school will be different. Early in his freshman year, he gets integrated into a circle of senior friends that are all quirky for their own reasons which allow them to relate to him. Charlie has a messed up past, is a bit fragile, and is somehow the center of this circle... or at least it seems that way since the story is told from his point of view. Over the course of the year, everyone gets to know themselves and stretch beyond to envision that life will actually be better after high school. I suppose that this is exactly the message that teenagers want to hear, that it will get better later. So these kids deal as best they can and help each other get through. Breakfast Club for this generation? Good music throughout and quite a few laughs in a light hearted comedy that deals with some serious social issues. Not sure that I like the message, but I am also not sure that I have a better one.
3 stars (out of 5)

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