Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Expendables

This is a classic summer action film with not much plot, not much acting and lots of explosions. The plot goes something like: A bunch of ex-military mercenaries hire out their services, they get a job that is against their morals, they still do the job but in a way that causes more explosions and makes them look like they care. In this case, the hook for the film is that in stars many of the big action names of the past decade (Stallone, Statham, Rourke, etc.). With Stallone as the lead, it becomes obvious how old he is. There are a couple scenes of him running where it is clear that he can barely run. I probably would have given this a higher rating had I actually seen it in the summer where it belongs, but now, it gets
2 stars (out of 5)

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