Friday, July 22, 2011

Harry Potter 7: Deathly Hollows 2 (3D)

The end is here... finally. Don't get me wrong, this is an astounding fantasy series and in total, is not matched in this decade. As a review of this film, it falls nicely in line with the others. It doesn't present the whole story, but enough of the story that if you have read the books, you remember the rest of it and your mind fills in the gaps. I can imagine that if you have not read the books, this is an moderately entertaining film. This is clearly the darkest of the films and not intended for kids by any means. And this is probably my biggest complaint with the film. Yes, it is dark and it has to be ... it has "Deathly Hollows" in the title after all. But it is also not fun. No fart flavored jelly beans, no wacky hi-jinks, no quidditch. Just angst and duty and battle to the death. Extravagant? Yes. Spectacle? Possibly. Fun? Sorry, but no.
3 stars (out of 5)

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