Monday, September 6, 2010

Going the Distance

Drew Barrymore and Justin Long meet up by chance in a New York bar and hit it off immediately. Fortunately for them, Barrymore is leaving town in 6 weeks and Long is on a rebound, so they can have a good time without the pressure of dating. Six weeks later, Barrymore is leaving and of course, they have fallen in love and proceed to make the long distance relationship work. The two things working for this movie are that both Barrymore and Long are cute and work well together and the soundtrack is a great mix of 80's nostalgia and The Boxer Rebellion. Unfortunately, those two things are not enough make a good film. Predictable and flat, the screenplay seems to have been generated by typing a few keywords into a screenplay writing software. Long's friends and Barrymore's family provide some comic relief, but again, it feels as if it is the {insert joke here} part of the screenplay. If you are in need of a romantic comedy for a date night, it is probably the best we have seen this summer. Low praise indeed.
2 stars (out of 5)

1 comment:

Sustain & Heal said...

Have to disagree w/ my DH on this one. Jason Sudeikis (of SNL "Opposite Band" hilarity) and Charlie Day save the show as funny, pathetic and caring friends. Three stars.